happy baby!
This week has been the week of the doctor. Tomorrow will be my 3rd trip to the doctor this week! Twice for me, once for Peyton's shots. Yesterday I had to have a test done at a clinic for my throat. So I get to the clinic on time only to find out that I was at the wrong place. I was supposed to go to the main hospital to have it done. Arnold and Peyton had dropped me off, and had already left, so I was stuck there. I tried calling Arnold for twenty minutes, but his cell phone was off. Finally I got a hold of him, and he had already made it back home (why is it that when you need to get in touch with someone, they always have their cell phone off at just the wrong time!). So he gets back in the car to come pick me up. By this point I'm dying! I had not had anything to eat or drink in like 18 hours, and this was only delaying the test. I finally make it to the hospital and have my test done two hours later. (I found out that I have a small hernia in my esophagus. I don't think it's a big deal, just something I acquired while pregnant.) In the meantime, Peyton is having to drink from a bottle for the second time in her little life. She's not to fond of the bottle. She gulps it down in two seconds flat, and then cries. Now when I feed her, she usually falls asleep. (heaven!!!) Not sure what's gonna happen when she starts daycare.
i cant wait to hear her laugh !
Yeah! It is good to see a happy baby:) She is so cute. I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Will you be up this way for Christmas? Love ya Joy! Tara
I agree with Tara...Peyton looks so cute with that huge smile on her face! Great pics! I have been meaning to call you, but have been sick and my voice isn't coming out all that well. I hope to talk soon, though. And I will pray that you start to feel better and better. "And God is able to make all grace about to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." 2 Cor 9:8.
Thank you! Our plans at the moment are to come to South Carolina.
i'm glad to see her happy...happy child makes for happy parents :) has the colic been worked out?
The colic has gotten much better! Praise the Lord!
The colic has gotten much better. She still has episodes of really hard crying. They are not as bad or as frequent as they used to be. Peyton can have 2 or 3 days of peace without any problems now. There was a time when she would cry all day, but thankfully that seems to have passed. Most babies have their colic disappear at 3 months. no one knows why, but that seems like the magic date.
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