Of course I had to put a picture of the baby on here!
We decorated a gingerbread house last night. Yummy!
Last night as I was flipping through the channels, I landed on Charlie Brown Christmas Story. I decided to watch it since it had really been years since I had seen a Charlie Brown tv special. One of my favorite parts is to see the characters dancing in preparation for the Christmas play. They dance the same way I do. :) Anyway, Charlie Brown brings his Christmas tree back to the school where they are practicing for the play and presents it to everyone. Of course they all make fun of him for picking out a goofy, pitiful tree. Charlie Brown becomes frustrated as all the kids are laughing at him, exclaiming, "What is the meaning of Christmas?! Can anybody tell me?!" Linus then appears and begans reciting the story of Jesus' birth from the gospels. For Linus understands that the true meaning of Christmas is not in all the commercialism but in the celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. "This is what Christmas is all about," says Linus.
This Christmas has been very busy for me as I take care of a new little baby. My time is extremely limited because little babies demand quite a bit of attention. It's in my nature to want to go, go, go, and do, do, do, especially at Christmas. But I was reminded again last night, through a little cartoon character, what Christmas is really all about. So with the little time I have this year, it's my goal to remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas. "and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger..." Luke 2:7
Hey Joy! How fun that you will get to go to SC for Christmas! I wish I could get to meet Peyton! As we are awaiting the arrival of our little one, Lord willing, I understand with you about the busyness and how easy it is to loose focus of what we are celebrating during the Christmas season. We have to be really intentional to not let things get in the way! Have you heard of Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb CD? It is a great CD that leads up beautifully to the birth of Christ. It has been a huge blessing to me to maintain focused on Christ during this season. Check out my brother's blog, too- www.avcphoto.blogspot.com He has some pics of his visit here in KY this past Thanksgiving weekend.
Love you!
well love the pics!!and charlie brown!!but im sooo happy cause i got a x-mas present early.it's a 10 week old beagle.she's sooo purty!!can't wait til you get up here and see her.hopefully she'll have a name by then!!welp ily!!
Valeria, I loved looking at the pics of you and Josh and your sister. You and your sister look so pretty! And your brother takes really nice pictures. I'm impressed! I will have to check out the cd you mentioned too. I'm thankful to have you as my friend. I hope your family has a wonderful Christmas season. I love you!
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