Friday, February 22, 2008


While you're pregnant and even after the baby is born, you get ALL KINDS of advice from ALL KINDS of people. It's pretty funny actually. I would have someone tell me when I was pregnant, "Oh you're carrying low, you're going to have a girl." Five seconds later, I would meet someone in the hallway and they would say, "Ooh, you're carrying high you're going to have a boy." One piece of advice I've been given from several different people since Peyton's birth is, "If you hold the baby a lot you're going to spoil her." I've thought about this notion a lot. I mean, who wants a spoiled baby? But I've concluded that I'm okay with that. She's only going to be a baby for a blip of time, just a tiny slice of her life. I don't think I will ever look back and say, "I wish I would not have held Peyton so much." Granted there are times when I wish she would be content just sitting in her seat and entertaining herself, especially when I'm trying to cook supper, but she loves being held and I love holding her. And by the way, my mom said I was the same way, "you always had to be held and entertained..."(I'm getting payback). So I guess I'm going to "spoil" her for a little bit. Hey, I'm going to have some really toned arms when all this is over!

1 comment:

Janna said...

yes peyton is spoiled ....BY ME!!!
im calling you tomorrow!!!!