Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Proposition 8

As stated in a previous blog, I am a subscriber to World magazine. I read an interesting, but alarming, article the other day that told the story of a pastor from Sweden who was sentenced to prison for "disrespecting" homosexuals, a.k.a. preaching that homosexuality is wrong. The article went on to say that basically because the pastor had threatened to appeal to the European Union, the nation's Supreme Court decided not to convict him. (Kind of reminds me of Paul appealing to Caesar, except it was not to his benefit.) Anyway, a few weeks ago, this pastor was speaking to churches in California urging them to support Proposition 8, the measure that would amend the state constitution allowing marriage only between a man and woman. Isn't this kind of scary? This has finally come to America, but a lot of people still think it could never happen to us, that our free speech will never be taken away. This pastor senses complacency and urges people to "wake up!" And if you don't think this could happen here, you need a reality check. We are headed in that direction, maybe only a few years behind Sweden. Especially now with our new president and his liberal agenda, Christians need to be bold sharing the love of Christ with the lost and standing up for our freedoms.

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