My baby is two months old! I really can't believe that two months have gone by since I rushed to the hospital in the rain to have little Raegan. She is so sweet (I just can't say that enough!). In fact, a lot of times, we forget she's around because she's so quiet! She's a very gassy baby(she must get this from her daddy...haha), but other than that, she only cries when she's hungry. She coos a lot and smiles and gets excited when she's knows it's time to eat, though she's not a big eater. She loves being swaddled, and I know that after she eats her breakfast in the morning, stays up for about an hour and then starts whimpering, she wants to be swaddled and put down in her bassinet so that she can take a nap. Raegan has started to follow us with her eyes. I think she has started watching Peyton some, as she flits about the room. I love my little baby!
And for some other news...we found a place to live! Hallelujah! A three bedroom townhouse in Metairie. Great price, great location, clean and nice. Our move-in date is December 1st if you would like to help! :)
Congrats on finding a place!
Reagan is a cutie! Maybe she will be really easy and quiet and independent like Allie is. It's a blessing when your first one is a hurricane! lol
yeah! HUGE answer to prayer! I am glad you have such a sweet baby and that you are getting more sleep!
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