Monday, January 24, 2011

The Feast or Famine Law

Have you ever noticed in life how things happen all at once?  I'm sure there's a name for it, like Murphy's Law or something along those lines.  We'll just call it the Feast or Famine Law.  For instance, one day I'm sitting at work, and it's a slow day.  The phones aren't ringing much, students aren't coming in to talk about classes, the schedule doesn't need changing.  Heck, there may even be a week of this.  Then the next week comes along and it's like you can't catch your breath!  Everything falls apart at once.  The phones are ringing off the hook, professor's cancel their classes, every student in the world needs to change their schedule, the heat doesn't work, the lights are burnt out, we have orientation scheduled, and the power point projectors are broken.  This hasn't actually happened to me all at once, but there have been similar weeks to the one I just named. You catch my drift though, right?  Everything happens at once, or nothing at all happens.  I guess the Lord has to make life interesting for us and drastically change things up every now and again.

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