Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last Weekend

Last weekend, my roommate from college and her friend came and stayed with us for a few days. It was so great to get to see her again, since we figured it had been five years since the last time I had seen her. She's been in Africa for that long, and is coming back to the States for a year or so. Of course we had to work, so that was a bummer, but her and Norman got to see some of New Orleans.

Now this weekend, you'll never guess, but we've been sick AGAIN! The daycare called us Friday afternoon telling us that Peyton had been throwing up. Yuck! What a great way to start the weekend. So basically I've been home with her all weekend. She seems to be feeling better now. You're never a true mom until you clean throw up out of clothes and sheets. And it's pretty obvious that Peyton is swallowing a lot of food and not really chewing it. I know, GROSS!

Here is a cute picture I took of her before she got sick. She loves papers of any sort.


SouthAsiaRocks said...

hey! I met that girl (the Africa girl) ... i met her when we were doing a missions conf at North Greenville University - she was really cool :) Fun! Tell her hey for me :)

Joy said...

that's so cool! I'll have to let her know. It's such a small world, isn't it?!