I read a lot of blogs. Well, I guess that's relative. Would you consider seven or eight a lot? Regardless, a lot of the blogs I read are written by stay at home moms. I am really encouraged and inspired by these godly moms who seem to have it all together, but I am here to tell you that I am honestly and truly not one of those moms. I'm just trying to survive. I am a working mom and I barely have time to brush my teeth in the morning. By day starts at 6 am (well, really my days are just continuations of other days because I never get more than three or four hours of sleep at a time, and these days it's more like two hours) when I stumble into the shower trying not to wake up Peyton, who at the slightest noise, will pop out of bed. It's usually not until I get to work that I realize that I'm missing my lunch or I forgot to put on my wedding rings or Raegan doesn't have a change of clothes. I've started drinking cappuccinos at work to stay awake, because by the time five o'clock rolls around, I'm ready to pass out on my desk. A little before six o'clock we make it home so that I can open up a can of soup or something out of the freezer for supper...I know, sounds appetizing right? I used to love to cook, but who has time for that anymore. The Crockpot is my new friend. I have two hours to divide between my two year old, four month old, and husband before the kids are (need to be) in bed. This time includes baths, nursing sessions, cleaning up, lots of meltdowns(from Peyton), laundry(maybe I will get half a load done), bedtime rituals, and preparing for the next day. And somewhere in that two hour time frame, I would love love love to sit down on the couch and relax for five minutes. This is my day, five days a week. On the weekends, I would love to hang out, but I'm so exhausted, I just want to sleep. I decided to write this blog not to complain, but to let you know that it's hard. So for all you working moms out there who might read this blog (are there any out there reading this?), I just want to let you know that I sympathize, I emphathize, and I feel ya! We will make it through.
Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen. Psalm 77:19
Liam Turns 6!
7 years ago
Dear Joy, It sounds so hard. I hope it is just for a season and then it will get easier for you. I also know what it like to read the blogs and feel like the other moms have it all together. I would love for you to go to this link and read a post from one of those moms who has always seemed perfect. Read the comments too, if you have time, they are even better. I definitely do not have it all together and I was very encouraged to know that all those supermom bloggers out there are really struggling too they just know how to make themselves look good on paper (or computer screen).
Hope you get more rest soon and more time with your family.
Hope the link works.
Oh Joy---thanks for being so open. I do feel for you in this stage right now.
I too hope it is just a season, .
Staying home can bring times of loneliness or stress from less money.
But I can't imagine having to work full time and be a full time mom.
But as far as having it all together, I will join the club in saying I do NOT. This past week I have been terribly grumpy, stressed and tired.
I am praying for you as the Lord brings you to mind these days Joy. Love you sister.
Hey! I got your comment. I am enjoying some nice warmer weather today! It has been cold but manageable. I was also thinking ....the reason you dont find a lot of working mom blogs is because they don't have time to blog:) And it might be cool if you could find a woman or some women you really respect who were working moms and get some advice from them on how they balanced things. I actually know one here in Asheville that I am going to see tonight and I thought I might ask her if she has any advice I can pass along:) Love ya!
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