Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Freeze Tag

The other day something reminded me of my church back home, and this brought back memories from childhood. I started thinking about those wonderful summer nights when I was a kid. After church on Sunday nights, my church friends(Emily, Karla, Casie, Justin, Greg, etc.) and I would run outside and head to the tree beside the church. We would begin a game of freeze tag that would last until our parents made us get in the cars to go home. The rickety old church sign was base and the tree was the other base. To vary it up sometimes, we would play Chinese freeze tag (crawling under someone's legs to "unfreeze" them) and cartoon freeze tag (I don't remember this one, but it had something to do with cartoon characters). I loved playing chase, and I have such fond memories of that carefree time in life when the only thing I had to worry about was escaping the hand on my back and the loud voice screaming, "TAG! YOU'RE IT!!!" I hope my children will love going to church and will form great friendships with other little boys and girls so that they can have great memories too.

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