(This is a picture of Peyton swatting us away in anger.)
Peyton is my rough and tumble girl. My difficult, demanding, controlling, wants her own way, ROUGH, tomboy of a child. Oh she can be dainty at times. She loves dress up, pretty little shoes, having her toenails painted, and wearing dresses. But she's like a bull, with a "princess dress" on, in a china shop sometimes.
Raegan, on the other hand, is unassuming, gentle, loving, and cuddly.
So for the life of me I don't understand why Raegan is always the one getting hurt, ending up at the hospital, etc. Maybe it started early on. Her first three weeks of life, she had a little cold. Another two months after that, she was in the hospital with RSV. Another three months after that, I rushed her to the hospital because she had an allergic reaction to who knows what. Another six months after that, we were in the hospital again for tubes. Two months after that, she quietly grabbed shreds of lettuce off my plate at the restaurant and about choked to death. I've never been so thankful for vomit. Last night, she pinched her finger in this door.

When her finger was turned upwards, I seriously thought she had broken it. But a few hours later, it was back to normal. Thank you Lord.
You would think Peyton would be the one with all the mishaps, hospital visits, and trauma. That girl is seriously rough! But our little delicate flower is always the one in trouble. Go figure!