Well, did you watch the vice-presidential debate last night? Me and Peyton did. Arnold had to work late. It was a great night last night even though I didn’t feel very good. I took some Advil because my throat was hurting so bad and ate a good Southern supper, meatloaf and sweet potatoes, and then I started feeling better. Peyton did really good too. She ate the sweet potatoes I fed her, and then I gave her some meatloaf on her tray to play with. I knew she wouldn’t eat it if I tried to put it in her mouth with the spoon. Then she drank straight from her sippy cup! She’s been refusing to do this, so I was very happy that she decided to try it last night. I was so excited to watch this much anticipated debate and was praying all day that God would give Palin the words to say. I know you may think I’m crazy, but I’m really scared that Obama is going to win this thing. Normally, I may not be this bold, but this is something I care about, so I’m telling you that you should be praying for our country too! We are SO fortunate to live here, and God has blessed us with so much freedom that we take for granted. I’m scared what will happen if Obama gets elected. Did anyone else watch the vice-presidential debate? How do you think Palin did?
This is Peyton and her little friend Gabriel. Gabriel is only five months old, so he likes watching Peyton toddle around.
Liam Turns 6!
7 years ago
Hey! I was watching the debate too and was really scared for Palin in the day or two before the debate but she rocked it! She was cool and confident every moment and didn't falter a bit. In fact I think she made Biden squirm a bit. And to think that he has been doing that stuff for 30 years and she has only been in politics for a few years. She totally won in my opinion. And I am with you in the prayers!
Congrats on the sippy cup upgrade! lol
i thought palin was nervous and it showed ...she could have done better.. she just rambled on and on using words nobody knows the meaning to.. even though i dont like him i thought biden did a better job... but i like sarah and im voting for mccain/palin..i think next time she will be better prepared
I was nervous for Palin, but I thought she did pretty good. Of course Biden spit out a lot of information, etc. just because he's been in politics for so long but one statement that he said was just untrue, the "Well, Obama warned about the sub-prime loans two years ago." Oh please. So I thought Biden did good, but I was pleased with Palin's debute. And I agree...she did pretty good to have only been in politics for a few years.
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