Friday, April 3, 2009

Do You Like it?

Today is Friday and I was supposed to go to a Beth Moore conference tonight, but since I have had a scratchy throat for the last few days (which probably means that a sore throat is looming) and little sleep lately, I decided to stay home. This weekend is also the famous strawberry festival that I rave about every year. Sorry, but it's hard for me not to think about, mention, or crave food, even on the blog, these days. I'm dying for some fresh, juicy, red strawberries! Now I'm about to say something concerning food that may gross some people out. Tonight I was planning on cooking for the first time liver and onions. I like liver and Arnold does too! We're probably the only couple left in the U.S. that will still eat liver. When I found out that Arnold liked liver, I knew I had met the man of my dreams. Just kidding. In fact, when I was pregnant with Peyton, we used to frequent the restaurant Shoney's and each get liver. It's supposed to be good for you and helping red blood cells. So I chowed down. I grew up eating liver, not every night or even every week or month, but every now and then. I've always liked it, no matter how gross every one else thinks it is. And maybe it's a South Carolina country thing. Do you like it?


SouthAsiaRocks said...

My mom used to give me liver as a kid. She put it on these cool plates that had lots of little places for dipping sauces. I had so much fun dipping my liver in all the different sauces :)

Janna said...

LiverMush YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 words that sound nasty together can be sooo good..especially with biscuits and eggs lol

Stephen and Tara said...

liver is gross to me but it is really good for you when you are pregnant because of the iron.

Michael How said...

Thats disgusting. We'll be praying for you both.

Misty M. said...

Ew. I can honestly say I have never given liver a chance. I am pretty sure I don't like it though. Also I laughed when I read the phrase in the first comment: "dipping my liver" LOL!