Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Banged Up

I know people have probably been thinking that we're abusing our kids, but you know sometimes kids just look like they've been beat up.  Especially since Raegan has started exploring, she's getting hurt more and more.  For the record, we ARE NOT abusing our kids, they just look like it this week!  Raegan has a cut on her little foot from where she hit the handle on the fence at our apt.  She scratched her chin with her nails that needed to be's so hard to keep up with little nails that grow fast!  She has two little cuts on her fingers where I accidentally caught her fingers in between the table and her high chair.  Monday we discovered that right under one of the cuts on her finger, there was a huge blister that popped.  Not sure what guess is an ant bite from her sticking her little fingers in the cracks at the swimming pool.  Then today she fell and hit her face.  Her poor little nose that was already raw from her cold started bleeding.  Peyton has a mark on her stomach that looks like something pinched her skin...possibly the seat belt that she INSISTS on doing herself.  AHHH! What is going on this week?  And you know, I always feel the need to explain things to people because I feel like people are looking at me like, "What has she been doing to her kids?"    I guess I feel guilty because maybe people think I'm not taking care of them.  But if you are a parent, you will understand how easily kids get hurt and how often clumsy little toddlers and two-year olds bang their heads, legs, and arms.  Do you ever get that feeling--the need to explain feeling--when your kids get banged up?

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