Friday, November 12, 2010

A Recap

I have been a bad blogger lately.  My goal is to post something every day, but that never happens.  So my next goal is to post something at least 2 or 3 times a week.  And that has not happened lately either.  I'm not sure why, but I've been in a bad blogging mood lately.  I guess you could say I've been rebelling against the blog.  Maybe it's the fact that work has been insane or the fact that I'm so busy or just tired or that I haven't had time to think of anything worthwhile or that there's really been nothing worthwhile to talk about.  Who knows!  But I am back today, and I've decided to recap some things going on in our lives.....

1.  As you may remember, my sister has been staying with us since August, and has been the temp secretary at my work for the past 12 weeks.  Well, today is her last day, and I'm really going to miss getting to boss her around at work!  HA!  No seriously, I've really enjoyed having her around.  And I'm going to miss her buying me little treats from the cafe.  But she will still be living with us for about another month, so I won't be missing her too much cause she'll still be around.

2. We have seen God's provision this week in a cool way during a tough time.

3. Yesterday at work, I looked down and noticed that my fly was down on my dress pants.  How long it had been down, I have no idea.  Man, I hate that!  I felt embarrased even though no one was around. 

4. The other day, Peyton noticed that Janna had not made her bed, and so she said, "Mommy, Janna didn't make her bed.  I'm going to tell her she needs to make her bed!"  (Janna, you better hope Mama doesn't read this blog)  I'm so glad Peyton is learning to be tidy(better than I can say about myself).  Her Grammy would be so proud! 

5.  Every Sunday on the way home from church, I always ask Peyton what she learned.  Two Sundays ago, she said, "Jesus and Crayons!"  This past Sunday she said, "Jesus and Crackers!"

6. Tonight and tomorrow morning, we are having a ladies retreat at my church.  It's going to be a lot of fun.  I've been on the planning committee for this, and have enjoyed getting to know some of the ladies at our new church through this.  Which leads me to my next point....

7.  This event has been in the planning stages for several months now.  I've been to all the meetings, helped decorate, helped with promotion, etc.  The ONE weekend of the whole year this event is to take place, is the ONE weekend I have to be at work to take care of some business Friday night and Saturday morning, right smack dab in the middle of the ladies' retreat.  I have to wonder why things like this happen.  I NEVER have to go to work on a Friday night or a Saturday morning.  Never in my five years of working here.  And I never usually have plans for the weekend.  Why does it have to be the same weekend?  Sometimes I just don't get life. 

8. I am looking forward to great things the Lord has in store for us(for you).  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11  This is one of my absolute favorite verses.

9. I was at the mall browsing around in Bath and Body Works this past week and I noticed Christmas music playing as well as wreaths everywhere.  To be honest, I wish they would at least wait until after Thanksgiving to start promoting Christmas.  But at the same time, I start getting excited too.  What do you think about this?  Are you sick of Christmas music and Christmas by the time December 25th rolls around?

10. I want to come up with a #10, but I'm all out of ideas.  Hope you have a great weekend!


Sandy said...

I love reading your blogs, please keep it up. The kids always make me laugh.

The Clark Family said...

Jackson always answers "Jesus" when we ask what he talked about in Sunday School as well... Can't wait to be neighbors!!