Here is a picture of my sister Keri, and now I will tell you a funny story that happened this weekend...
Arnold's birthday was Sunday, so that night we decided to go to a seafood restaurant on Lake Pontchartrain. When we get to the door, the hostess asks us how many, grabs some menus and takes us to our seats. As we are taking our seats at the table, the hostess places our menus down and says, "And here's a kiddie menu for you." (talking to my sister). HAHAHA!!! I about died laughing. Then she goes one step further and says, "And I'll be right back with some crayons for you." HAHAHA! It was all I could do to contain myself when she came back and handed the crayons to my 16 YEAR OLD sister. Keri was embarrassed, and I had to hang my head to keep from laughing right in the hostess's face. If you could only know the humiliation this brings to a 16 year old. But really, we got a kick out of it and laughed the whole night about it.
Here's a picture of me and Keri coloring the kiddie menu...
Now here's a picture of the final product...
By the way, this same hostess also asked me if Peyton needed a kiddie menu...yeah right, Peyton doesn't have one tooth, sure, she can eat chicken fingers and macaroni and cheese.... haha
HAHAHHA!!! man i wish i was there
Tell your sister not to feel too bad.. earlier last school year I was walking down the 6th grade hall and I had a teacher stop me and tell me that students were not allowed to be walking on the hall at that time... i just looked at the guy and said.. "i'm going to the main office... to check my TEACHER box...??" AWKWARD!!! And I look young, but I don't look like a SIXTH GRADER!!!
haha! That is too funny GT! I think some people just don't have a good age perception meter. :)
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