She likes her new toy that Grammy sent her.

a big smile

a short video of me trying to make Peyton laugh
PS-Thanks for all the prayers for my grandmother. The doctor was going to put a stent in her artery, but after opening her up (or whatever they do) they determined that it wasn't necessary. So now they've put her on a bunch of medication and she has left the hospital. This is good news! My mom also told me that she's feeling better. Thank you so much for praying....prayer sure does work!
Loved the video! How is your grandmother? I have prayed for her.
she has hair ... she looks so much older now :(...next she will be at preschool ...make her stop growing
Thanks for the prayers Tara. Your friendship means a lot to me. I can always count on you to be a prayer warrior!
just 2 more days-can't wait-luv,Grammy
I LOVE her big smile :) It's AWEOSME!
Someone gave us that same flashlight toy - Aashini loves it! :)
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