Here is a picture of our ol' Buick, I know, classy right? (I told Arnold that it's a pastor's car). We finally gave her up for adoption yesterday because we were pouring way too much money into this car. This has been Arnold's car for the past few years and finally the air went out. Since he's in this car all day every day for work, and since it is the middle of summer in NEW ORLEANS, we had to do something. I'm going to miss this car because she provided a lot of laughs. Probably one of the best times I had in this car was when me, Arnold, my dad, my brother, and Peyton (a loaded car) pull up in the Buick to Commander's Palace, one of the nicest, most expensive restaurants in New Orleans. We all pile out, hand the keys to the valet, and instruct him to be VERY careful with this car because she's a classic. It was hilarious and so embarrasing.
Here's our new ride. Arnold found the Odyssey on Craigslist for a really good deal. So now I get to drive the van and Arnold will drive our other car. I am now officially my mother.