Monday, October 19, 2009

Mealtime Experience

Yesterday I made a recipe with potatoes. After I spent all this time making them and using a lot of ingredients, I opened the flour package again. That is when I realized that the flour I used in the recipe had bugs in it. Then I went to make okra and wanted to use some cornmeal. My cornmeal also had bugs in it. Then Peyton broke one of my plates after I gave her the plate to set the table with (what was I thinking???). Then I went to make brownies and I was out of oil. Do you ever have mealtime experiences like this?


Misty M. said...

I hate when suppertime goes wrong. If I spend a lot of time cooking and then do something stupid like leave out an important ingredient, burn something, or drop it on the floor, then I get really bummed. I definitely like it when we have the option of last minute eating out on a night like that!

Not that you did anything wrong. I haven't had bugs in the flour yet!

Laur said...

Everybody has a bad mealtime from time to time. I'm like Misty, I'll leave out an important ingredient or burn something. We have had bugs in the flour in a couple of previous homes, and I finally got some plastic air-tight tubs to put all my flour, cornmeal, and cereal in. They weren't cheap, but I asked for them for Christmas. I've never had a problem since.
I have been the one to break things though. Our ceramic tile floor doesn't handle anything dropping on it. I spare Mae from it by giving her paper plates to set the table. Then I don't have to run the dishwasher as much!
Miss you!

Anonymous said...

You can use a sifter with flour and cornmeal and stuff to sift the bugs out