Monday, January 31, 2011

Dick and Jane

Does anyone who reads this blog remember Dick and Jane?  I didn't grow up with Dick and Jane, but my mom did have an Alice and Jerry book that I liked to look at.  The main reason being that it had a story in it about them going to a candy store, and I loved candy!  Still do, in fact.  That candy used to look so delicious to me.  But I digress. 
For Christmas, Peyton received a Dick and Jane volume that she absolutely adores.  We have read a few stories a day in this book for over a month now(it's 350+ pages long), because it's about the only thing she wants to read most days.  I love it too because it's simple, and the stories are short.  So I can read her one or two of the short stories before bedtime, and she's perfectly happy.  Then I turn out the lights and she likes flipping through the book and looking at the pictures for a while.  In fact, she insists on doing this, she loves that book so much.  If you're in the market for a fun, simple book for your child, you should check Dick and Jane out.

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