Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Labor of Love

My mom is going to freak out if she reads this post, and here's why....I hate to sweep and mop. I know, I know, sweeping and mopping is loads of fun for most people, but I just really don't enjoy doing it. So last night at 10 o'clock when I decided to sweep and mop, it was all about a labor of love and a disgust for a certain pest. Keep reading. By 10, I'm usually in bed these days. I am actually thouroughly exhausted by about 7 every night, though Peyton is always raring to go, but that's a little too early to go to bed. No, last night I discovered bites all over Peyton's back and then a dead flea fell on my hand. Now this disgusts me beyond belief. I LOATHE fleas (almost as much as BIG, HUGE, NASTY roaches). I think I hate them so much because we used to get them in our house when I was growing up. But we had outside dogs that would get them, and then they would jump on our legs for a free ride into the house. It would take us forever to get rid of them, and we usually had to set off "bombs". One time we just went on vacation and came back and they were gone. I guess they didn't have any fresh meat to bite on that week. You couldn't sit down on the floor, and I always felt gross in my own house. I hate them. SO, this is why I was sweeping and mopping the hard wood floors at 10 last night because I don't want those nasty creatures biting my beautiful baby. And you know, we don't have any animals, and neither do our neighbors. Why are these things torturing me???? Does anyone have any ideas of how to get rid of them? We had them last year too. Help.


Janna said...

YUCK!!! i think i would change houses lol

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I bet if you give her a god ole fashion flee dip she'll be just fine.

Anonymous said...

I mean to say GOOD ole fashion. sorry. :-)

Unknown said...

There is a spray you can use for pesky little things like fleas and roaches that is baby safe and pet safe. It is made of organic things. I can't remember the name of it right now but my mom uses it and it is pretty efficient. We got it at an herbal/green store. But you can order it online to. I will get the name from my mom and pass it along.