Sometimes it seems like you just get swamped all at once, you know? Last week we got a call from our credit card company. Apparently someone had stolen our numbers from our card and tried to buy almost $300 worth of pest control products off of the internet. Who steals someone's credit card and tries to buy roach bait? If I'm going to steal a credit card, I'm going shopping for some designer clothes, shoes, and going to the spa. Or if you're a guy, at least go to Best Buy!
Monday we get a past due statement from the electric company. Apparently the check I sent off in June never made it(thanks USPS...and we want the government to handle healthcare?), so now we not only owe two months worth of bills, but also a nice late fee. I'm disputing this one.
Monday after I came home from work, I opened the credit card bill (a different one....don't worry, we're not credit card freaks....we don't have 18 of them, and we hardly ever use them) and discovered that I had not paid the bill from the previous time. Now, in my defense, there was no record that I ever even received the bill. In the credit card company's defense, I may have possibly, accidentally thrown away the bill when I came back from vacation and had a huge stack of mail. Not sure, but it could have happened. I'm very meticulous in my record keeping, so it had to be an accident of some sort. Oh well, what do you do?
Pay the man and keep going.
Liam Turns 6!
7 years ago
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