1. Arnold and I get to go on a date tonight! We are going to a restaurant called "Impastatos". This restaurant is run by an older Italian man from Sicily, Joe Impastato. They have a commercial on tv "Fuhget about it!"
2. I have been addicted to mochas, frappes, frappuccinos, iced mochas, and anything with espresso in it lately. I think this stems from the fact that I have had virtually no caffeine in the last 3 1/2 years. I didn't drink any while I was pregnant, either time(accept for maybe a sip of a Coke Arnold had once or twice), and I haven't had any while breastfeeding either time.......accept for this time. Ever since Raegan hit about 8 months, I've given up. I need caffeine to function these days....at least a few times a week. :)
3. I really do love New Orleans weather. Give me hot and humid any day over cold and freezing. But I have to say that the rainy New Orleans summers can be a bummer sometimes.
4. I am learning....and now time for a bit of honesty....to be content even when I read other people's blogs or facebook statuses. Sometimes I feel a twinge of jealousy and start getting discontent. You know the feeling..."wow their kids are really smart, godly, etc.," "wow look at all the nice stuff that person has, their house is gorgeous," "wow, that person gets to do that?" Does this happen to you too? Why is it so hard to be content when we look at other people? The grass always seems greener on the other side, I guess.
5. Peyton has started saying anytime she smells anything, whether it is a pleasant scent when you walk into a store or a dirty diaper in the trash, "Mommy, it smells like skunk". She said this the other week when we walked into Michael's Crafts. As we were driving through the country to get to Monroe, I smelled a skunk and said, "Yuck, I smell a skunk". Now everything smells like a skunk to her
Liam Turns 6!
7 years ago
Yay for date night! I'm working on #4 as well
I totally know the craving for caffeine! Clint brought me home a caffeinated treat the other day. He's usually very good to remember decaf, so this time I stuck the frappe in the freezer and get a "bite" every few days!
Date night was great!
And Laur, I've been wanting to talk with you. I know you're busy these days, but I'll try to call you soon.
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